Cold & Flu Prevention in Bryan & College Station, TX

Withe colder temperatures often comes an increase in colds and flus. So from our house to yours, here are some timely tips on how to feel or get better fast:

Protect Your Body

  • We don’t mean to sound like your Mom, but if that’s what it takes to get your attention, so be it!  Wash your hands often, get plenty of rest, exercise often but don’t overdo it, and drink plenty of water sleep and exercise, and drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day.
  • Watch what you eat, and that includes consuming more vitamin- and mineral-rich foods like fish, yogurt, orange juice, garlic, sweet potatoes, broccoli, red bell peppers, and others.
  • You don’t need pills to soak up more vitamin D.  Not, that is, when you make a point of soaking in a little more sunshine:  weather permitting, of course.

Protect Your Home

  • Clean or replace your furnace filter once a month. Your furnace is designed to trap dirt, dust, and other airborne pollutants.  That’s its job.  But without regular cleaning or replacement, the furnace fan is eventually going to start blowing some of that accumulated gunk into your ducts and right back into your home.
  • Weather permitting (once again), bring a little of the outdoors inside your home by throwing open a few doors and windows.  It’s a great to purge that musty, dusty air and replace it with the kind that’s fit to breathe.
  • If you have a two-speed ceiling fan that’s sitting idle and waiting for spring to arrive, it’s time to press it back into service.  Turn it on and run it in the reverse direction so the fan is pushing warm air back down to help keep you warmer at lower temperature settings.  In the process, you’ll save money on your utility costs, even with the fan running.

McKinzie Heating & Air offers a number of indoor air quality solutions for further protection against and relief from colds, flus, and allergies.  By installing a whole-house air filtration system, for example, we can rid your home of more than 99% of airborne pollutants that are trapped on contact each time the system’s fan turn backs on.  Call us today for more information or to request service.
