August 11th, 2017 Comments Off on Air Conditioning (AC) Self-Help Tips

Air Conditioning (AC) Self-Help Tips

Here in the Twin Cities area, we ask a lot of our air conditioning systems.  Long hours.  No sleep.  No pay.

So, the least we can do is give them every chance in the world to succeed. Hence, we present the following self-help tips designed to help you derive maximum comfort and minimal problems from your central AC system:

  • If your indoor temperature suddenly shoots skyward, don’t just assume there’s a problem. First, check your thermostat setting. Another family could have changed it, including a young child just having a little fun.
  • If you suddenly feel a complete lack of cool air and you can’t hear the indoor or outdoor AC fan running, once again, don’t immediately assume your system has failed. It could be a thermostat problem or a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker. It’s worth a quick look before scheduling a service call you might not need.
  • Clean (or replace) your filter about every two weeks. Once this becomes a habit, you’ll know exactly how often you should check your filter by the amount of dust and other debris you see attached to it.
  • While you’re in your attic (where most filters are located inside the air handler), also check for any signs of water leakage around the unit or condensation on the unit. That could be a sign of a frozen coil or refrigerant leak – either way, that’s worth a call to McKinzie Heating & Air.
  • Keep weeds and shrubs away from your outside condensing unit.
  • During the day, keep sun-facing window treatments closed to lessen the demand on your AC system.
  • Consider installing a whole-house attic fan to use at night instead of your AC system. They become effective when the outdoor temperature is at or below the current indoor temperature. And, even though attic fans use electricity, they use far less than your AC system.
  • Speaking of fans, you’ll also do well to install one or more two-way ceiling fans. During the warm weather months, your fan will lift the cool air up that has naturally dropped to help you feel cooler at higher-than-normal temperature settings.

At the same time, never think for an instant that you’re in this alone. Not with McKinzie Heating & Air (formerly the AC Store) to assist with all your home heating and cooling needs. Take, for example, our AC system cleaning and inspection service. It’s your ultimate assurance of improved system performance, fewer repairs, lower repair costs, added safety, and a longer system lifespan.  Has it been a year or longer since service was last performed? If so, contact McKinze Heating & Air today.

August 5th, 2014 Comments Off on Common Air Conditioning Repairs in Bryan & College Station

Common Air Conditioning Repairs in Bryan & College Station

blogWell, here it is, a little more than half way through the summer.

How can that be right? We did, after all, just endure one of the coldest and nastiest winters in recent memory. So summer should still have a long, long way to go.

Sorry folks, but wishin’ and hopin’ won’t change a thing. So let’s spend a minute or two talking about your AC system, and how it’s been behaving thus far, knowing it still has plenty of work to do before summer’s over. For starters, we hope your system is keeping you and your family nice and cool. But even if it is, how does its performance compare with that in recent years?

Often times, that can be really hard to tell – until, that is, you start noticing any of the following symptoms that a system repair or replacement might be needed:

  • Skyrocketing electricity bills. If your usage is on par with years past but your bills are way up, then it’s highly likely that your AC system is the cause.
  • Noisy operation. Your AC system was built to run as close to silent as possible. But if you’re heating banging and other strange noises, it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.
  • Hot and cold spots throughout your house. If your system was properly designed, then you have roughly equal amounts of cool air throughout your home. If that’s not the case, it’s worth investigating.
  • Constant need to lower the thermostat. If you used to be comfortable at a temperature setting of 72, but now you have to turn it down to 70 or even lower to feel just as comfortable, there’s either a problem with the thermostat itself, your ductwork, the heat exchanger, low refrigerant level, or perhaps just general wear and tear.

Here’s what all of these symptoms have in common: the sooner you seek professional assistance, the less likely you are to face a major repair bill. So if your AC system has been acting up, call so we can diagnose the problem and give you a range of options for both your short- and long-term benefit.


July 3rd, 2014 Comments Off on How to Cool Your Home for Less in Bryan & College Station, TX

How to Cool Your Home for Less in Bryan & College Station, TX

blogIf you’re a winter hater, the winter of 2013-14 gave you way more than usual to complain about.

But all that’s forgotten now that summer is here and in full swing, right?  After all, no one EVER complains about the heat and humidity around here because we’re all so used to it!  Uh-huh.

The fact is, we complain plenty, and usually from the comfort of our air conditioned homes.  Of course, the complaints don’t end with the weather.  They tend to amplify once a month when your electricity bill arrives.  And that’s when it hits you, like a fresh cream pie in the face:  “There must be a way to bring these electricity bills down!”

Actually, there are plenty of ways to do that, and these are the fastest and easiest to put into effect, starting today:

  • Cover your sun-facing windows.  Glass both reflects and amplifies the suns’ warmth, so during the day, cover all windows while the sun is on them.  That will give your AC system a break, and any break in activity saves you money along with wear and tear.
  • Check your windows and doors for air leaks.  It does you no good at all to send cool air outdoors, so check your windows and doors and, wherever you find a leak, do your best to patch it up, or hire a professional to assist you.
  • Air ducts can leak, too.  Your attic is never an especially desirable destination, especially in the dead of summer. But if you can tough it out for even just a few minutes, grab a flashlight and see if you notice any cracks or un-joined connections.  The more air that escapes into your attic, the harder your AC system has to work to keep you cool, and the more that drives up your electricity bill.

Another great way to keep your energy costs under control is to have your system professionally cleaned and inspected once a year.  We recommend it, and so does your system’s manufacturer.  Bottom line, a well-maintained system will run better, last longer, and cost less to operate.  So why not give us a call for cooler indoor temperatures AND lower electricity bills:  two less things to complain about.





June 19th, 2014 Comments Off on The Benefits of a Variable Speed Air Conditioner in Bryan & College Station, TX

The Benefits of a Variable Speed Air Conditioner in Bryan & College Station, TX

acBefore you buy a new or replacement air conditioning system, you owe it to yourself to check out the multiple advantages of a variable speed system, first.

That is, of course, if you want the best of all worlds:  maximum comfort combined with maximum energy savings.  Not to mention the probability of a longer system lifespan.

How do you know what kind of system you already have?  Well, if you can actually hear your system turning on and off, then you definitely don’t have a variable speed system.  That’s because variable speed systems run all the time:  more on that in a moment.

And since one-speed systems DO turn on and off, occasionally you’re going to get that annoying blast of cold air when it comes back on.  It’s your system’s way of saying “I hope I wasn’t on break for too long!”

So, the top 4 reasons to purchase a variable speed vs. one-speed AC system?  Glad you asked:

  • Greater Energy efficiency. Yes, even though variable speed systems run constantly, they’re usually running at a low level, thus saving energy and energy costs compared to one-speed systems.
  • Whisper Quiet. Once your new variable speed initially cools your house off, you’ll barely know it’s on.  Because from that point on, all it has to do is maintain that temperature and, again, without having to cycle on and off to do so.
  • Potentially improved air quality. If your AC system has a built-in air purifier, then you’ll enjoy cleaner indoor air with a variable speed system.  That’s because air purifiers clean the air as it passes through its filter.  And since a variable speed system is always on, the air is always being filtered for cleaner indoor air.
  • Consistent temperatures. Since a variable speed system is always on, it’s much easier to maintain consistently comfortable temperatures while avoiding the bigger temperature swings of a one-speed system.

For the full story on what a variable speed AC system can do for you – explained to you in plain English – contact the pros at McKinzie Heating & Air today.  We give you more options for improved indoor comfort and energy savings.


June 3rd, 2014 Comments Off on Common Air Conditioner Noises in Bryan & College Station, TX

Common Air Conditioner Noises in Bryan & College Station, TX

commonIf you have kids living at home, you know all about strange and unexpected noises.  And what do you do each time you hear one you don’t exactly recognize?  Get all agitated, run to see what’s going on, and then react based on the evidence at hand.

But what if the noise is coming from your air conditioning system?  More often than not, you can run around all you like and still not be able to figure out exactly where it’s coming from, let alone what’s causing it.  Making them that much more unpleasant and frustrating to deal with.

Well, while there are usually multiple causes for most AC-related noises, here are both the most common noises and reasons for them, staring from the outside, then working our way back indoors.

Of course, if noise were the only problem, most people could probably learn to live with it.  But noises are symptoms, and not the problems themselves.  So let’s have a look at the more common sounds that emanate from home AC systems, and what they probably mean.

Outdoor Condenser Noises

  • Hissing (or bubbling) – Indicates a leak in a refrigerant line.
  • Buzzing – Usually caused by a faulty electrical connection inside the motor.
  • A loud and bang – That’s what happens when your motor’s mount comes lose and the motor is free to move around and bump into its neighbors.
  • Humming – Caused by a motor attempting to turn on, but failing to do so.
  • Screaming (or screeching) – When pressure builds up and becomes too great, the first sign of trouble and danger is a loud, high-pitched screaming.  If you’re hearing this sound right now, turn your system off immediately for your own safety.

Indoor Air Handler Noises

  • Buzzing – No, it’s not flies in the air handler, but more likely one or more loose electrical connections or components
  • Hissing – Yep, a refrigerant leak, most likely.
  • Clicking – That’s the sound of relays switching on and off because of a problem with your thermostat.

What do all these problems have in common?  Here at McKinzie Heating & Air, we encounter AC-related noises and what’s causing them practically every day.  Which means we know how to fix them, and that goes for all makes and models of AC systems.

Of course, if you’d like to avoid all the racket in the first place, contact us today for our AC cleaning and inspection service, especially if it’s been a year more since the last time your system was looked at by a professional.  After all, why bother having to fix what most likely can be prevented? 



May 20th, 2014 Comments Off on The Benefits of a Ductless Air System in Bryan & College Station

The Benefits of a Ductless Air System in Bryan & College Station

acOnce upon a time, you had a choice between window and central air conditioning, not counting earlier times when air conditioning amounted to running headlong into the wind or sitting on a block of ice.

Not only have we gotten used to air conditioning at home and everywhere else our travels take us, we downright depend on it.

But the times they still are a changin’, and now you have more options for greater flexibility in outfitting your home with exactly the right type and size of AC system, no matter what the circumstances might be.

Let’s say, for example, you’ve decided to finish off an attic or add a sunroom to your home.  And in either case, a herculean effort – and expense – would be required to supply the space with ductwork.  Not that long ago, that might have stopped the project dead in its tracks, with the disappointed home owners (perhaps even you) having to settle for window air conditioners to keep the space cool during the long Texas summer.

Such is not the case anymore, not with the advent of ductless air systems.  As their very name suggests, they don’t require ductwork.  Instead, a condensing unit (just like with your central AC system) is installed outside and connected to one or more indoor wall blowers that deliver the cooled or warmed air in super quiet and efficient fashion.  Here’s even more to love about ductless air systems:

  • Can be purchased for cooling only, or heating and cooling combined
  • Each condensing unit can support up to 5 wall blowers
  • Remote control operation
  • Wall blowers blend in nicely with your décor
  • Easy to maintain

Choice is a wonderful thing, and  we give you more of them, including heat pump systems:  absolutely the most efficient way to heat and cool your home.  Call today to learn more about your options, including ductless air systems.
