January 25th, 2015 Comments Off on How to Add Humidity to Your House in Bryan and College Station

How to Add Humidity to Your House in Bryan and College Station

This time of year, the skin care aisle in pharmacies and supermarkets are awfully busy places.

That’s because so many of us suffer from dry, itchy skin. And that’s just one of the consequences of overly dry indoor air during the winter.

If the humidity levels in your home are super low, here’s what else you might be experiencing:

  • Frizzed out hair
  • More frequent bloody noses
  • Static electricity that sends a jolt through your system
  • Wood furniture and floors that shrivel up, dry out, and occasionally crack

Worst case scenario, you or members of your family are also experiencing new or stepped up symptoms of asthma, allergies, and other respiratory ailments.

Just like most other things in life, there are two primary ways to deal with a problem: treat the symptoms, or do something to fix the problem. And history has taught us that the latter approach is always the more effective and longer-lasting.

Here are some quick, easy, and affordable ways to add humidity to your home for as long as the heating system lasts:

  • Purchase some house plants, keep them well-watered, and place them in strategic locations where moisture is most needed.
  • Get yourself a clothes drying rack and hang at least some of your clothes out to dry indoors.
  • When baking or broiling something in the oven, place a pan of water on the stove. The water inside will heat up, evaporate, and escape into the air.
  • Place bowls or pans of water near baseboard heating units or floor vents. As the heat passes over the water, the water in turn will be heated and enter the atmosphere with much-needed moisture.

Looking for something a little more global and permanent? Then contact McKinzie Heating & Air and ask about a whole-house humidity control system. With its manual control function, you get to set the precise and most comfortable humidity settings for you and your family all year long. At the same time, you’ll save money on your home heating and cooling costs. Contact us today for more information or a free new system quote.


January 14th, 2015 Comments Off on Furnace Repair Warning Signs in Bryan and College Station

Furnace Repair Warning Signs in Bryan and College Station

It’s mid-January, and what’s probably foremost on your mind? Spring, of course. And an end to the heating season.

Ah, if only wishing it away could make it so.

So what’s a concerned and slightly chilly homeowner to do? Well, for one thing, you want and need to pay very close attention to your furnace for the duration of winter. Because if it starts exhibiting strange behavior, you’ll want a professional to look at it right away with the goal of not allowing whatever the problem might be to get any worse. Because that would probably mean an unwelcome repair bill.

So does YOUR furnace need a professional look-see? It probably does if you observe any of the following:

Furnace Sounds Like it Needs an Exorcism

A well-maintained furnace will traditionally operate at the sound of a whisper. As in, you should barely able to hear it. But things like a loose belt, a problem with ignition system, or some other part that needs to be replaced can make enough noise to make up even the heaviest sleepers in your home.

You Have a Yellow Pilot Light

While yellow may be pleasing to your eye, it’s not a great sign for a furnace, as a properly working furnace has a steady blue flame. Worse, and while yellow indicates an improper mixing of gases that in turn could lead to a carbon monoxide leak. So that’s something you want looked at without hesitation.

Your Furnace is a Slow Starter

A slow-starting furnace, or one that has trouble staying connected is a clear warning sign of an internal repair issue or a problem with your thermostat.

Water, Water Everywhere

Watery condensation on the inside of your windows may or may not indicate a furnace repair problem, but it’s still worth letting a professional take a look.

Your Furnace is Near Antique Quality

While a lot of “old stuff”, there’s nothing valuable about a furnace that it has exceed its useful lifespan. So if yours is at least 15 years old, it’s a good idea to start thinking about replacing it before it completely shuts down and then makes that decision for you.

“Can Someone Please Pass Another Tissue”

A furnace that’s dirty and not running up to par is likely spewing unhealthy air for you and your family to breathe in, however inadvertently. So if a bunch of you all start feeling poorly at the same time and the symptoms persist, absolutely call your doctor. But call us, too.

You see, at McKinzie Heating & Air, we repairs all makes and models of home heating systems. And for your sake, we’d rather repair it than have to replace it. And the sooner you report any kind of performance issue or symptoms you’re not familiar with, the sooner a repair or cleaning might be all it needs. So contact us today and discover the high level of service we have in store for you.


December 18th, 2014 Comments Off on End of the Year Resolutions in Bryan and College Station

End of the Year Resolutions in Bryan and College Station

With just a couple weeks left until we welcome in the New Year with open arms, now’s a great time to take a look back at 2014 and see how far you’ve come in achieving your stated goals.

And that answer to any of them is “not as much I would have liked to”, well; let’s just say that it’s never too late. At least when it comes to making a firm commitment to succeed.

Take right now, for example. That’s right: go ahead and pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, take a deep breath, put on your “positive thinking cap,” and see what you can do about any or all of the following before 2015 debuts.

  • Want to get organized? Start with your dresser drawers, closet, or kitchen cabinets. Donate gently or unused clothing and household items, and toss the unusable. Moving forward, pledge to tackle one organizational task each week, no matter how small. Hey, we all have that junk drawer that could use some attention.
  • Want better health? Here’s one small step that will have a big and positive impact: drink more water. If that doesn’t sound appealing, try flavoring your water with cucumber and watermelon, adding a splash of lemon or lime juice, or even adding some fizz. And if the delivery method is the issue, treat yourself to a fun, new water bottle.
  • Want to read more but can’t find the time? Try audio books. From the latest best sellers to time-tested classics, you’ll be able to check those must-reads off your list while you drive, exercise, or shop.
  • Want to be a better person? Sneak in a few random acts of kindness before the year runs out. It’s simple, and doing good makes you feel good, too. So buy the person in back of you a cup of coffee, bring some cookies to the elderly widow down the street, or simply offer your time and talents to someone who can use them.
  • Make amends. Not just with those around you, but with yourself. Anger, hurt, and disappointment are heavy loads to carry. So forgive, forget, and move on so that you can start the New Year with a clean slate and a fresh perspective.

Did you have any goals for your home that also have not yet been achieved, like maybe cutting your home heating costs? If so, then you’ll find all the professional help you need right here at The AC Store, where we offer the following home comfort services:

  • Heating system preventative maintenance
  • High quality troubleshooting and repairs
  • New system design and installation
  • And more

And yes, each of the services mentioned above can help save you money, and we’d be more than happy to show you how. For expert advice from people in the know, contact McKinzie Heating & Air today.



December 4th, 2014 Comments Off on How to Heat Your Home for Less in Bryan and College Station

How to Heat Your Home for Less in Bryan and College Station

“Hot enough for ya?”

Now THERE’S a line you won’t be hearing for another several months.  Which means that until summer returns, we’re going to have to find something else to complain about besides the heat.  Unless, of course, you’re inclined to complain about how much you pay every month to heat your home.

If so, you’re in very good company.  USA Today recently reported, for example, that, on average, Americans spent an average of 13% more to heat their homes in 2014 vs. 2013.  Which means that, unless you got a 13% raise in pay over the same period of time, you probably felt at least a little bit of a pinch.

ac store

What’s in store, heating cost wise, for the winter of 2014-2015?  Hey, why wait to find out when there are things you can start doing right now to feel warmer at home without paying more for the luxury.  Here are just a few common sense solutions:

  • Keep your head and feet covered. When your head and feet are cold, your whole body feels cold.  So keep them covered while you’re at home so you can set the thermostat a little lower.
  • Change your bedding. Flannel sheets will help keep you nice and toasty all night long, as will throwing another blanket on your bed, especially one made of down or wool.
  • Place area rugs over hardwood floors. Area rugs and carpeting serve as another form of insulation by blocking the cold from and helping to keep your feet warm.
  • Run your ceiling fan in reverse. That serves to force the warm air back down so you can feel warmer at lower temperature settings.
  • Cover up those drafts. Even makeshift solutions like placing a towel across a window sill keep more heat indoors, and more cold air out.
  • Keep physically active. A body in motion not only tends to stay in motion, it also requires less heat to keep warm since its generating heat of its own.  So take up a hobby, buy yourself a workout mat or treadmill, or find some other way to keep off the couch while doing something fun and constructive.

Another great way to feel warmer at lower temperatures is to add humidity into the air.  At McKinzie Heating & Air, we can help you do just that with a whole-house humidity control system.  They’re effective energy savers all year long as you can add humidity during the winter and lessen indoor relative humidity during the air conditioning season.  Contact us today to learn more or request a free system proposal.


November 20th, 2014 Comments Off on Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air in Bryan and College Station

Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air in Bryan and College Station

Description: C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Temp\shutterstock_200339462.jpgA typical list for home fixer-upper projects usually contains one or more of the following:  clean the garage, repair the downspout, repaint the bathroom, replace the broken tile in the foyer, and so on.

What do those and so many other similar projects have in common?  They are things that you can see.  And by looking at them over and over again, sooner you’re going to do something about them.

But what about things gone wrong inside or around your home you can’t see?  Take the quality of your indoor air as a leading example.  Did you know that, on average, indoor as twice as polluted as the air outdoors?  And that’s true even in homes that are meticulously kept and cleaned.

The quality of your indoor air reaches the problem stage when you start noticing any of the following:

  • More frequent colds and viruses
  • Colds and flu-like symptoms pass from one family member to another
  • The onset or worsening of allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Other upper respiratory ailments
  • Itchy nose and eye

Here are just a few of the many ways you cut back on indoor air pollutants in your home:

  • Don’t allow anyone to smoke indoors. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing compounds plus 400 other toxins.  And while it’s bad enough to smoke a cigarette once, the smoke rises and gets trapped in your ducts, which means you’ll – in effect – be smoking those same cigarettes over and over again.
  • Switch to all-natural cleaning products. Most commercial cleaning products include highly toxic chemicals and fragrances.  Lysol disinfectant sprays, for example, include such chemicals as mipa-borate, ammonium, hydroxide, ethanolamine, and petroleum gases, earning them the dubious distinction as the most toxic household cleaners.
  • Switch to machine washable bedding to help control the dust mite population in your bedrooms.  Weekly washing is recommended for your comfort, sheets, pillow cases, and all the rest.
  • Replace your vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filtration model like those made by Dyson.  They effectively remove and trap dust, dirt and other allergens that love to hide out in your carpets, rugs, upholstery, floor crevices, and especially under furniture and other hard to reach places.
  • Leave your shoes at the door. Shoe bottoms are like magnets for attracting dust, dirt, pesticides, and bacteria, including E Coli and Serratia ficaria, and Klebsiella pneumonia.  The bottoms and insides of your shoes should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
  • Buy some new house plants.  But not just any house plants, as some varieties are particularly effective in removing bacteria and other pollutants from the air. These include:  Boston Ferns, Chinese Evergreens, Crotons, and Arrowhead Vines are ideally suited to the task.

At McKinzie Heating & Air, we can help you fight the battle against indoor air pollution by installing a whole-house air purifier in your home.  And that’s just one of several indoor air quality solutions we bring to the table.  To learn more or schedule a free in-home consultation, contact us today.



November 11th, 2014 Comments Off on Heating Repair Problems in Bryan & College Station

Heating Repair Problems in Bryan & College Station

Have you ever woken up first thing in the morning – or, worse yet, in the middle of the night – and called out to no one in particular: “Who turned off the heat?”

It’s one of life’s more common, everyday rhetorical questions. That’s because the answer is almost always: “No one, the heat turned itself off.”

So, let’s see, if you could pick the best, most convenient time to lose heat, when would that be? Yep, another rhetorical question, since most people’s answer is “Never!”

Are you having issues with your heating system right now? If so, what you most need to learn is what’s causing the problem. That way, you can get it taken care of before it gets worse, especially since heating problems almost always get worse. And it will most likely take a qualified and experienced home heating professional to help you get to the bottom of things.

In the meantime, here are the most common symptoms of home heating problems, and a few probable causes of each:

  • Uneven temperatures from room to room – Frequently this signifies restricted airflow in your ducts, a crack or leak in your ductwork, or perhaps even a blocked or restricted vent or register.
  • No heat at all – Before assuming the worst, check your fuse box or circuit breaker panel to make sure your furnace is getting power. You should also make sure your furnace is turned on and that your thermostat is working properly.
  • Not enough heat – Any number of things can need attention in this case, including cleaning or replacing your filter, repairing a cracked or leaking duct, and correcting an imbalance in your airflow.

Of course, the trick to staying warm and comfortable all winter long is to prevent heating system problems in the first place. And the best way to do that is with annual preventative maintenance. Our trained and experienced technicians perform multi-point cleanings and inspections that enable us, among other things, to spot and fix problems in the making before they cause you any serious trouble. Annual maintenance also helps your system last longer, run better, and all while minimizing your annual heating costs.

Contact McKinzie Heating & Air today to schedule service so you don’t have to worry about what COULD go wrong.


October 20th, 2014 Comments Off on Halloween Fun Facts & Trivia in Bryan & College Station

Halloween Fun Facts & Trivia in Bryan & College Station

Did you know that Halloween is one of the fastest growing consumer holidays? It’s true.

In fact, it is expected that Americans will spend a total of $7.4 billion on Halloween candy, costumes, decorations, and other related items in 2014 alone.

But Halloween wasn’t always about collecting candy. The holiday has deep-seeded roots that date back to the middle ages. Here are 5 interesting facts about the history of Halloween.

  1. Halloween is believed to have originated from the Celtic festival known as Samhain, a celebration of the end of the harvest season. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the deceased would come back to life and wreak havoc on the living, bringing illness or damaging crops.
  1. The Samhain festival typically involved bonfires, which would attract insects, and subsequently, bats. Today, bats are a common symbol of Halloween.
  1. The tradition of trick-or-treating is thought to resemble the medieval practice of “souling”, when the poor would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1) begging for food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (November 2).
  1. The first Jack O’ Lanterns were actually made of turnips, which were hollowed out and illuminated by candles to ward off evil spirits during Samhain.
  1. The color orange commonly associated with Halloween represents fall and harvest season, while black symbolizes darkness and death.

On a brighter note, we hope October 31 has something fun in store for you this year, whether you’re staying home to pass out candy or attending a costume party at the home of a friend. Happy Halloween from all of us at McKinzie Heating & Air.


October 14th, 2014 Comments Off on The Benefits of Heating System Maintenance in Bryan and College Station

The Benefits of Heating System Maintenance in Bryan and College Station

Before you even think about settling in for a long winter’s nap (wouldn’t it be nice if we really could do that?), it’s time to think about waking your heating system up from its long summer’s snooze.

It’s been sitting there since April or May with nothing to do, and no one to keep warm. But before you know it, you’re going to be calling it back into action, and expecting it to behave without missing a beat.

Unfortunately, things don’t always work that way. First of all, your home heating system has an average expected lifespan of about 15 years, which means each year it gradually loses a little bit of its former oomph. And then there’s the normal wear and tear that comes with a long winter’s work out, producing heat for you and your family day in and day out. In the process, electrical connections can loosen, dirt and dust accumulate, cracks or leaks can form in your ductwork, and so on.

That’s why McKinzie Heating & Air recommends annual heating system maintenance. Basically, you have everything to gain, including:

  • Longer system lifespan
  • Fewer and less costly repairs
  • Cleaner indoor air
  • Even temperatures from room to room
  • Elimination of hot and cold spots
  • Lower heating costs

During our heating system clean & check process, we perform a number of critical steps including the following:

  • Test ignition system for safe and proper operation
  • Test safety and control circuits for proper operation
  • Test exhaust system for proper venting
  • Lubricate and clean blower motor air vents
  • Measure temperature differences – supply and return
  • Inspect and adjust fan belt tension (if applicable)
  • Calibrate and level thermostat (if applicable)
  • Clean or replace filter
  • Lubricate all moving parts per manufacturer
  • Tighten and inspect all electrical wiring

As you can see, your heating system has numerous working parts, and they all need to operate at peak efficiency for your family’s improved indoor comfort, safety, and convenience.

Contact us today to request heating system maintenance for your home, and give yourself one less thing to worry about with winter right around the corner.


September 29th, 2014 Comments Off on Heating System Cleaning & Inspection in College Station

Heating System Cleaning & Inspection in College Station

If you’ve had your heating system for at least five years, well, we’re not going to ask you to raise your hand. Even if you did, how would we know?

Instead, we’re here to tell you that you’re in the vast majority of home owners here in Bryan, College Station, and throughout the country. That is, of people who don’t take proper and faithful care of their heating systems.

And yet it ought to be the other way around, where it’s the rare home owner who forgets or neglects to schedule annual heating system maintenance. That’s because some pretty unpleasant things can happen when you choose to leave it un-maintained, such as:

  • Premature failure. Most heating systems today are built to last at years and longer, and yet we routinely see them crash and burn in as few as seven years from simple neglect.
  • Off-the-charts energy expense & fuel costs. The less care you take care of your furnace, the harder it has to work to keep you warm. And that drives up system operating costs, higher and higher every year.
  • Dirty indoor air. At the very least, you should clean or replace your heating system’s filter once a month. Otherwise, the dirt and dust it’s collecting will be swept into your ducts, living spaces and, eventually, your lungs. And then come the colds, respiratory ailments, and problems with allergies and asthma. But heating system’s collect dirt and dust in other places, too, like the furnace cabinet. Hence, once again, the need for annual system maintenance.

Folks, we’re not trying to scare you. Just tellin’ you like it is. At the same time, we want you to know that nobody is better trained or qualified to keep your heating system in top working order than the good folks here at McKinzie Heating & Air. We service and repair all makes and models, including yours. So for the very best in winter time comfort, safety, and energy savings, give us a call today and ask for our heating system cleaning and inspection service. We’ll get right on it.


September 7th, 2014 Comments Off on Duct Cleaning in Bryan & College Station

Duct Cleaning in Bryan & College Station

Blowing noseIt usually takes a lot for people to call us for our duct cleaning service. Like one cold or flu after another.   Persistent and worsening symptoms of allergies and asthma. Or chronic sneezing, coughing, and itchy, watery eyes.

“Dirty ducts can cause all that?” you ask. Actually, all that, and worse. And it happens to even the most faithful and thorough of house cleaners.

The most common indoor air pollutants that collect inside your ducts include the following:

  • Dust and dust mites
  • Bacteria
  • Pet dander
  • Smoke byproducts
  • Tobacco byproducts
  • Pollen
  • Mold & mildew
  • Chemical byproducts
  • Formaldehyde from new carpeting
  • And more

How do these and other contaminants get inside your ducts in the first place? In an average six-room house, a family of four generates up to 40 pounds of dust per year just through normal, everyday activities. And dust goes everywhere: on your furniture, possessions, window fixtures, and more. Plus it hangs suspended in the air.

Each time your HVAC system cycles on, it pulls dust, dirt, bacteria, and all the rest into the system where they eventually find their way into your ductwork where they build up over time and are re-circulated back into your home courtesy of the AC or heating system’s fan.

It’s literally enough to make you sick.

As a rule of thumb, McKinzie Heating & Air recommends having your ducts cleaned about every four years. And yet, even if four years or more have passed since your last duct cleaning, that still doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be cleaned again. That’s why we inspect your ducts before we clean them to determine the need.

You should also consider having your ducts cleaned under the following circumstances:

  • After moving into a new home and you don’t know when they were last cleaned
  • After building a new home or a major renovation/remodeling project
  • If anyone in your home has severe allergy or asthma problems
  • If you have pets that shed a lot
  • If you notice any indication of vermin in your home

For professional and reliable results, contact us: your Bryan and College Station duct cleaning experts.
